Thursday 30 June 2016

Challenge 432 - Add a banner/flags

Many thanks to those of you who joined in with our  
Wedding/anniversary theme,  as always we loved seeing your beautiful creations!

The winner of the prize kindly donated by...
Here is her stunning creation  

Please email Deb for details on how to claim your prize.
Challenge 432 - Add a banner/flags!
As always, we welcome your own interpretation of the theme!  
We welcome our fabulous sponsor this week.....


Magnolia-licious is a wonderful online stamp store with stamps from various companies including Magnolia stamps from Sweden. We also have a wonderful selection of cutting dies. We carry the Exclusive Die Kits from Magnolia. 
The prize is a $20.00 Gift Certificate to the store. 

as always the winner will be chosen using
 Here are some samples from our fabulous design team for your inspiration!